ESOlocate (coords) by _ForgeUser K Downloads Updated Created Apr 8, Lightweight add-on that displays current zone and coordinates. Download. Install. · Files need to be placed in the ESO Add-ons directory that can be found in Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/AddOns on your computer. The easiest way to do this is to right-click the file and click extract files. · If there is no AddOns folder in Documents/elder scrolls online/Live. Then make one AddOns Just like that and just copy past any addon folder from esoui into it. then enable them in game. #6. SoSiskodemon. View Profile View Posts.
My mods are all right where I expect them to be, but the downloads folder is perpetually empty. I've run a Windows search on the drive looking for the downloads and I can't find them anywhere. In Vortex, however, I can still choose to reinstall my mods. When I go to the DOWNLOADS tab, I can see all of the download files. Minion provides premeir AddOn Management for games such as World of Warcraft and The Elder Scrolls Online. Download. Premier AddOn Management. Install Find new AddOns and install them in a snap! Update Keep all your AddOns up-to-date automatically. Manage Secure and easy AddOn management. A nice ESO graphic overhaul mod that aims to add depth to shadows and dark areas, and remove the strong blue tint that vanilla Elder Scrolls Online has. Simple to install, and quite pretty if set up right. The only graphical mod you'll really need to make The Elder Scrolls Online look sharper and more vibrant. Download Reshade
Files need to be placed in the ESO Add-ons directory that can be found in Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/AddOns on your computer. The easiest way to do this is to right-click the file and click extract files. If there is no AddOns folder in Documents/elder scrolls online/Live. Then make one AddOns Just like that and just copy past any addon folder from esoui into it. then enable them in game. #6. SoSiskodemon. View Profile View Posts. When I installed Elder Scrolls Online, the installation automatically placed addons in this folder location: C:\Users\ COMPUTERNAMEHERE \Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns. Where COMPUTERNAMEHERE would be the name of your own computer (I'm not putting the name of my own computer system here in public).